Welcome to Ethos Church.

We exist to Love God, Love People, and Awaken a Movement.

Ethos Church gathers in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to join us as we learn to live, love, and look more like Jesus together each day.

As a spiritual family, our passion is fueled by the great commandment — to love God and others. Our purpose is defined by the great commission — to make disciples to the ends of the earth. And our posture is marked by the great collaboration — to work in unity with other churches to bless and reach our city for Jesus.


    Find ways to connect with our church family, take next steps, and more.

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Sunday Worship Gatherings


9am and 11am
Marathon Music Works
1402 Clinton Street | Nashville, TN 37203


9am and 11am
2411 Blakemore Avenue | Nashville, TN 37212


Ethos Office
2301 8th Avenue South | Nashville, TN 37204


Sundays at Downtown

Connect with us.

We would love to help you get involved with the people and mission of Ethos Church. Fill out our Connect Form — we’ll send you one weekly email with ways to connect, serve, give, and grow.

Volunteer on Sundays.

We believe healthy churches are not built on the gifts and talents of a few people, but on the contributions of many. Volunteering at Ethos Church is a way to serve the larger church body and grow in community.

Sign up for Freedom Prayer.

The main goal of this prayer ministry is to allow the Holy Spirit to identify and to address things hindering a deeper personal relationship with God through a focused prayer time with members of our Freedom Prayer team.