Ethos Kids

Our mission with Ethos Kids is to help children and families Love God, Love people and Awaken a Movement. We want to walk with families and help raise disciples of Christ. We believe that children are special and valuable to the kingdom of God. All children are spiritual beings, made in the image of God! In Mark 10:14 Jesus says,

“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Scripture is full of references to the value of children in Jesus’ eyes and how children are a blessing from the Lord. We want to take great care of this blessing.


As a church, we feel called to provide space for children to experience spiritual transformation and encounters with our Creator. This environment is created through Bible stories, worship, games, and crafts led by our Ethos Kids staff and volunteers. Proverbs 22:6 says,

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Our volunteers are invited to participate in the laying of a foundation for each child that enters the Ethos Kids space. Starting at a young age, we want to help families equip children with a solid foundation of faith that they will continue to grow upon for the rest of their lives.

We offer nurseries and classes for kids, newborn through 5th Grade at our 9am Worship Gathering. Kids are invited to worship with their families during the first few songs and will collectively dismiss before the teaching time begins.

We offer spaces for children ages 3 months to 4th grade at our 9am Worship Gathering. Kids are invited to worship with their families and then join us for nursery or Bible Trek during the teaching portion of our gathering.

Ethos Church recognizes our responsibility to provide safe and secure environments for children. We stay up to date on best practices to protect children and keep our Child Protection Policy and Well Child Policy up to date.

For more information on how we protect our children, view our Child Protection Policy. For more information regarding illness, view our Well Child Policy.