Crowded Table

Crowded Table is a ministry that helps churches rally around families and/or individuals who foster. We are working with Crowded Table to support the Bone Family and the Bjork Family — we are looking for 12–15 people to come around the table for these families.

This looks like serving one of these families once every 5 weeks for 2 years.

What does serving look like?

You’ll join a team (a table) to support one of these families — committing to pray and support this family! This could look like providing a meal, childcare, transportation, lawn care, laundry, etc. It all depends on what the family needs in that season — and prayer is always needed! A lead for each family will talk with the family each week and pass on the needs to the “table.”

How to Get Involved

If you are interested or you know someone in your circle who is passionate about serving others or has a heart for foster care — we invite you to find out more.

Email Lucas Boto at


Join us at our training at the Ethos Office on Sunday, 8/11/24 at 2pm.


Downtown: Where to Park


Prayer Gathering Assistant