We’re glad you’re here! Ethos Church is a church located in the heart of downtown Nashville, TN. Whether you are a devoted follower of Jesus, a skeptic giving this whole church thing a shot, or somewhere in between – you are welcome here.
We'd love to know a little about you. Fill out our Connect Card if you are interested in getting more involved with the mission of Ethos Church. You'll receive our Weekly Email with ways to Connect, Serve, Give, and Grow.
We gather for worship in 2 locations on Sunday mornings; we come together for prayer on Sunday evenings. Find out more about our worship and prayer gatherings.
You can connect with others in our church family throughout the week in House Church and other events & gatherings.
If you’re interested in learning more about Ethos Church and joining our family, we invite you to join us at Open House.
If you are interested in beginning a relationship with Jesus or would like to talk with someone about going deeper in your relationship with Him, we’d love to connect with you. Fill out the Connect Card and a pastor will reach out to you.