Our aim is to memorize Ephesians 4:1–16 over the course of the month, each person at their own pace. We want to hide the Word of God in our minds and hearts — so that we can recall it, use it, and live into it more fully.

Below you’ll find a printable plan to help you as you read and memorize this passage.

Tips for memorizing:

  • START SMALL: That’s why we are going verse by verse!

  • READ ALOUD: Read it out loud, repeat short phrases from a verse a few times. Learning it in smaller increments will help! As you begin to memorize longer sections, recite it aloud as you take a walk or drive!

  • WRITE IT DOWN: Handwrite the verse for the day a few times. Writing by hand activates your brain in a different way than reading. You can also open a document on your computer and type it out!

  • INDEX CARDS OR POST-ITS: Write sections you are working on memorizing on small cards or post-its and place them where you’ll run across them during the day — on your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your desk, etc.

  • LISTEN TO IT: Use a Bible app to listen to the passage(s) out loud. Play it on repeat as you cook dinner, clean, drive, etc.

If you’d like a layout of Ephesians 4:1–16 verse by verse, we have the ESV and NIV laid out to aid you as you memorize.